We have always aimed for excellence and never compromise on our standards of quality and always deliver only the best of work. At the same we also maintain a level of security to ensure the anonymity of our customers and protect their vital information. For the same aforementioned reason we strictly adhere to our privacy policy that is specially devised to protect your private and confidential information. It is strongly advised that you read and understand all of the terms and conditions mentioned in the policy. Usage of any of our services signifies the user's consent to all of our policies. Moreover, it is important to note that the privacy policy is constantly updated from time to time as deemed necessary. New change are put up for viewership on the website, It is vital that clients keep themselves up to date with our policies.

  • Accumulation and collection of Information: A routinely follow up requires customers to provide credentials such as username, email address or even passwords as part of our security check in order for customers to enjoy a better experience of our services.
  • Protection of customer Information: Being a registered firm we strictly adhere to the Data Protection Act and, thus, do not share any personal information of any client with any third party personnel unless required by the jurisdictional body.
  • Information pertaining to services and products: We have a large variety of products and services, all available on our website. For the purpose of communicating promotional offers and discounts with our clients, we use means such as SMS, phone calls, fax or emails; as indicated by the customer.
  • Customer’s access to their personal information: We do not provide any client’s personal information to any third party or otherwise persons. However, if a customer wishes to gain access to their own personal logs then they may do so by submitting an application via email to our legal department. For security reasons the client may be asked to provide information such to fulfil the security check.
Contact Us

You can get in touch with our cordial customer care agents at 0203-034-0579 and speak to them directly; or alternatively you can send us a message on our live chat or at info@dissertationpros.co.uk

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Dissertation Pros is a professional academic writing facility that assists students. Nonetheless, by no means are customers allowed to submit our assistance as their own.

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