Study techniques and strategies for students with kinesthetic learning style!

Study techniques and strategies for students with kinesthetic learning style!


Kinesthetic learners are not like Izzy or O’Malley from Grey’s Anatomy; they are, in fact, Meredith and Christina! If you didn’t understand this reference, we actually mean that they are natural doers and not watchers!

According to a survey conducted by Carlton College, about 15 per cent of the UK Population is strongly associated with a kinesthetic learning style. Kinesthetic learning is one of the three learning styles coined by Neil D. Fleming in his Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic (VAK) model of learning. To put it simply, kinesthetic learners are best at processing information when they are engaged in some sort of physical activity.

Do you find it easier to cram notes while walking or hopping around? Do you get frustrated with long lecture hours? If yes, you may be a kinesthetic learner!

Kinesthetic learners often have difficulties learning through conventional lecture-oriented methods, as it is hard for them to make body connections with verbal lectures. They perform best at tasks that involve both body and mind engagement.

Characteristics of a kinesthetic learner:

You fall into this learning style category if:

  • You’re best at assignments with physical tasks, such as science and art projects, experimentation or shop class.
  • You’re bad at comprehending and retaining concepts explained visually or verbally.
  • You’re best at tools!
  • You’re curious and love to explore your surroundings.
  • You love things in action rather than a standstill.
  • You love to write or type notes instead of recording them.
  •  You have some pretty good hand-eye coordination.
  • You are always quick in reactions.
  • You are always full of energy.
  • You hate attending long-hour lectures.
  • You’re athletic and good at sports.
  • You learn best through hands-on activities.
  • You find it easier to grasp information when there is any interaction involved.
  • You can indulge in long conversations when performing a physical task.
  • You are good at mimicking the movements and gestures of other people.
  • You perform best in drama or dance classes.
  • You have excellent motor memory (you can repeat doing something after performing it once).
  • You prefer to acquire a dissertation writing service instead of reading or writing on your own.

Here are some effective learning strategies for students with a kinesthetic learning style that can help boost their comprehension, retention and concentration while studying:

1. Don’t stick to one place; stand up and pace around a bit

Kinesthetic learners hate sitting in one place for an extended period of time. You don’t see them lying in bed or in front of the laptop all day. They prefer to walk around in order to make sense out of something. For improved retention and comprehension, walk around in the hallway with a textbook so that your body is more engaged and connected to the learning process.

2. Have psychically loaded study sessions

If exercise is your thing, try incorporating some of the moves in your study sessions. Well, it’s not always possible to do lunges during a session, but you can still incorporate some kinesthetic study techniques to keep your mind and body engaged at the same time. For example, bouncing a tennis ball against the floor while studying, twisting and playing with a rubber band when you read, tapping your foot on the chair while understanding concepts. No matter how small a physical activity is, it will definitely help you stay attentive and focused during study hours.

3. Use a pointer or a highlighter when reading

Using a pen or a highlighter when reading helps you to direct your focus to a particular sentence or information. Underline important terms or concepts while you read. Use a pencil to draw flow charts or comment boxes in your books that help divide the information into small pieces. You can also use sticky notes to highlight main ideas and concepts while reading a chapter. These reading techniques combined with movements make learning easier for kinesthetic learners.

4. Get creative

If you’re having trouble understanding the concepts, consider learning through other approaches. Use objects like blocks or any furniture items to visualize a war scene or understanding any mathematical concepts. Draw pictures of a concept you’re trying to learn or make a storyboard explaining the ideas to yourself. You guys have remarkable motor/physical memory; try using it to your advantage as you will likely recall something you created or built than something you saw or heard.

Hope you find these strategies useful in retaining and understanding complicated concepts of your subject. If you have anything to add to this list, feel free to drop them down in the comment section below. Happy Learning!