Technology versus Face To Face Communication

Technology versus Face To Face Communication

Technology v/s Face To Face Communication

A modern fairy-tale is one where the damsel in distress is replaced by a busy woman who lacks time to meet her prince charming in person. On that account, she joins social media and interacts with others over texts and social media platforms. Eventually, she falls in love with the guy of her dreams, but upon their first meeting, she realizes that she was being cat-fished the entire time!

Following this story, which is not unusual in this day and age, most people prefer the traditional methods of face to face communication let it also the case of students who are in dire need of finding cheap dissertation writing services for their academic projects. In contrast, the millennial along with generation z are unable to fathom their existence without the use of cell phones.

Despite these heterogeneous views, both methods of communication have their own advantages and disadvantages which are stated as follows:

Communication in an open court:

  • The upper hand of this form: When it comes to communicating with an individual in person, one is able to comprehend the effects of their words without experiencing any form of filter put up by the opposing party. Thus, face to face conversations permits individuals to talk to each other in a genuine manner. Furthermore, having a conversation in person allows people to form emotional bonds and develop empathy towards each other. As face to face conversations expose the opposition’s vulnerabilities, it plays a vital role in developing empathetic understanding. Following from this, the majority of the therapists discourage online conversations.
  • The decrementing element: However, many individuals struggle with anxiety disorders that discourage social interaction. Without the presence of social media, these individuals feel isolated and often feel as they are left unheard. The impediment in this form of communication disregards the needs of those individuals while supporting the standard population.
    Essentially, face to face conversations are not always a possibility for those living in different countries. For this reason, utilizing the technological applications becomes a necessity as Skype, and other video calling applications provide a similar platform.

Use of technology:

  • The superiority of technology: In contrast to in-person communication, technological advances provide an opportunity to individuals with anxiety disorders. It allows people to formulate friendships and bonds regardless of their social anxiety. Furthermore, as a result of immediate accessibility, people can communicate with one another at any moment in time. Following from this, technological advances provide an advantage over the traditional method.
  • The liability of this technique: As stated by the introductory example, people often discourage the use of technology due to the high degree of deception involved. As people can fake their personalities online, bonding with someone over the internet can prove to be difficult for an individual.

In consideration of the foregoing, individuals can formulate their own opinion about either of the two forms of communication. However, whichever style a person holds, it doesn’t matter as long as the person is comfortable in their own skin. On that premise, holding in judgment for others preferred methods of communication can prove to be expedient not only for oneself but for the overall society.